Head of Delos Labs, Executive Vice President of Delos,
Lecturer of University of Pennsylvania

Dr. Jie Zhao is the Head of Delos Labs and an Executive Vice President at Delos. Delos is a wellness real estate and technology company headquartered in New York City. As the creator of the WELL Building Standard, Delos develops products, programs and solutions that transform our environments into vehicles for health, well-being, performance, and resilience. Jie leads the research team to support product innovations and market strategies. He is also a lecturer in the Weitzman School of Design at the University of


His research focuses on Human building Interactions, including total building performance, occupant behavior in buildings, sensing and controls in buildings, health, comfort, and productivity of building occupants, as well as building energy efficiency and sustainability. Jie received his PhD in Building Performance and Diagnostics from Carnegie Mellon University.